Here is why I love this lift! Check out the video as I show you why!
This car lift is like a pallet loader. You just need to pull the trigger and pump it. You just drop it and see how it drops to the ground. This is a great lift and very useful for my Lambo, which is why I love it. This is the best investment I ever made in my shop.
The cool thing here is that I have the hydraulic on the front end, so I just lifted it up. I don’t need to drive any 2×4 to get the Lambo. It just fits underneath. When I drop that, we’ll be all good and ready for the road! 🙂
It’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. I just wanted to show you my car lift that I used for my Lambo. Hope you liked this super short video. Please don’t forget to Like, Share and Subscribe to my videos.
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Talk soon! Cheers!

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