There are a lot of productive things that you can do whilst being stuck at home.
But don’t get me wrong, doing nothing is still perfectly ok if that is your way of coping.
I just want to give you some options if you are feeling bored and looking for ways to get those productive juices going.
I know it sucks not being able to continue with your daily grind but then again…
We now have the opportunity to explore things that used to be outside our comfort zones.
So what are the things that you can possibly do while stuck at home?
1. Exercise
As it is proven that when we exercise, our bodies release endorphins that are crucial for being healthy – mentally and physically.
Now is the best time to actually do that…and commit to it.

There are a good number of workouts that are readily available online for free that you can take advantage of.
Let me share also with you this article that I chanced upon on. These are solid health-related advice that you can benefit from.
2. Create or Listen to Music
Music is known to be effective in reducing anxiety and battling stress.
Now is the best time to possibly learn a new instrument. (Why not right?!)

Just turn the volume up and listen to your favorite artists while you are at it.
Did you know that musicians are actually giving free concerts via live streams on their social media accounts?
If you are into Coldplay, you can catch Cris Martin’s livestream replay here.
Create or listen to music – totally your call!
As the saying goes…
“Music can heal the wounds, that medicine cannot touch”
3. LEARN a new skill and be an expert
We all love Netflix and sometimes it is just so tempting to lounge around, with a cold beer and watch Netflix the whole day.
But what if you can do just that AND get to learn about something that you are passionate about.
If anything auto body is your passion, let me share with you our VIP course that lets you learn from the comfort of your own home.
In our LABAP VIP area, you can learn from over 150 hours of step-by-step (everything auto body) NETFLIX style.
4. Read a book.
If reading used to be something that you enjoy doing – but the daily grind gets in the freaking way… guess what, you can do that now.
Choose a genre that resonates with you. I personally love to immerse myself with influential books for business.

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, is an absolute favorite of mine. I like reading it every now and then because I learn something new every time I dive into it.
If and just if you are looking for opportunities to earn additional income, why don’t you check out my self published book about car flipping over at Amazon?
As you read through “The 29 Rules for Car Flipping Success!: Your unfair-advantage from an underground car flipper”, you’ll uncover the dos and DONT’s of the car flipping game.
Last and definitely not the least
5. Spend time with your family.
…and enjoy every minute of it.
These quality times are hard to come by. I don’t think I still need to elaborate on this. 🙂

Hoping that when all of this blows over, we will get to know what is truly important.
Thank you for taking the time to read this short article and I hope that it helped you in any way.
Talk soon,