Hey, it’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. Today’s topic is 2k primer tips when doing body work.
I’ve been working on this truck for about three hours today. I used the Advantage 2K Primer, which is a really good brand. It’s a 4:1 mixture, which comes out to be a high build.
On the other hand, 4:1:1 comes out to be a regular primer and not so much of a high build. The 4:1:1:1 turns it into a primer sealer, which is a lot thinner. But, you can sand that with 400-grit and get it ready for base coat clear coat.
That’s the same with all of them. But, the thicker it is, the more of a high build it gets. You can just reduce it with a base coat reducer. In this case, I used the Omni Reducer.
A lot of people have issues with getting dry primer. Don’t be afraid to lay the primer on. Get closer to your panel. Make sure the panel lays on glossy. I was literally 3 ½ to 4 inches away priming and laying it on thick.
I had the entire process on video so I’ll be uploading the Daihatsu Mini Truck Project soon in the LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP member’s area.
Once this thing is done, it will look cute and smaller. Black makes things look tiny and white makes it look larger. I used the Atom X20 Spray Gun today on this Mini Truck and it sprays fantastic. If you want to grab your one, head on over to Zoolaa.
We’ll be doing a tri-tone on the truck. It will have a silver with silver flake at the bottom, teal in the middle and a white cream puff on top. I’ll be using white with X Finishes Moon Dust Pearls.
Question: Do you know how to do candy paints? [16:25]
Absolutely. I have the entire process in the LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Course, so go check it out.
Question: Is there a certain brand of sandpaper that you use? [16:45]
I like to use Norton Sandpaper, Mirka, 3M and Eagle are some of the brands that I use.
Question: Should I sand using disc or hand sand primer with 400-grit? [17:08]
I like to finish off wet sanding by hand with 400-grit. When you are a newbie, I definitely recommend sanding by hand. If you are experienced, you can cheat using a DA sander.
I always like to wash it down clean, let it dry and blow it off before I paint it. I’ve been doing this for about 20 years. Maybe I’m old school, but there are still people doing water sanding.
Question: What is a good paint brand? [18:21]
Omni is okay. If you want to get more expensive brands, you can try PPG, DuPont, and the cheaper version of it is Mason. For clear coats, I like to use House of Kolor paints.
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It’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. Thank you everyone for joining me today. Please Like, Share and Subscribe to my video.
Cheers! Talk soon!
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Other Helpful Links:
Wet Sand & Dry Sanding Techniques When Prepping for Base Coat Painting
Applying Automotive Primer, Automotive Epoxy Primer and Primer Sealer
The Basics of Painting A Car From Home!
Avoid This Polyester Primer Mistake – Complete DIY Auto Body Paint Project Update
Hello, using 2k urethane primer, can I spray base over without sanding? Do I have to wait 3 hours before spraying base coat? Thanks
Joe, please send in your question to [email protected] with pictures of your paint project so I can give you a more accurate recommendation on how to move forward with your project. Alternatively, join me in my live stream so you get real time answers! 🙂
Very informative information.
Thank You