Thanks for streaming guys! For our newest video “Automotive Painting | Things You Should Know and Consider” – Hope you guys find this helpful. Check out the LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Program to learn more about DIY auto bodywork and paint.
And, also don’t forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to his YT channel for Paradice Garage Update: Autobody Q&A live session and get great information to help you with your own custom paint projects!
We’re going to get into AutoBody Q&A right now:
How long does 2k paint stay good for?
2k single stage paint can be good for years, 10-20 years if you keep it, garaged, you care for the paint, you leave it out of the weather. Paint job Last as long as you care for them.
How long unused paint last?
Also depends because it could be sitting in a can, it will be good for years, literally years. But some cans leak, believe it or not. I had paint cans sitting on my shelf, where the bottom starts leaking out, and then the hole can go bad.
So if it’s a good seal, it will last for years. Three, four, five years, easy. Just make sure you mix it up really well before you put your hardener and reducers in it.
I was wondering what type of base coat brand you recommend?
There are a couple of major brands that I like to use, if you’re on the budget and if you kind of wants to save a little cash, go with Omni. Omni is good paint and there’s a little higher version called Omni Plus.
And then, if you want to get on really good paint, so look into a PPG makes good paints. Dupont makes good paints, you can get them all kind of base color or whatever. Sherwin Williams also makes good paints.
Is flux welding sticks could also cause paint reaction?
Most of the time, if you’re filling with the body filler. Body filler is barely, rarely reacts, and has chemical reactions when you’re putting it over metal and stuff like that.
What about a clear hardener, once it open?
Once your clear has been open, as long as it’s sealed, it will good for at least a year. So you don’t have to worry about it too much.
Hardener as well your cap will get stuck on there, especially with activators, you might need some channel locks or pliers to get it open but once you get it open.
Make sure you gonna blow around it coz you gonna have hard chunks of the hardener, that’s gonna come off and it might get into your paint. You’re gonna be straining anything anyway before you put it in your cup or if you’re using the cup system, it has a strainer on it.
Just keep that in mind. That kind of stuff will last at least 1year minimum since the time you opened it.

What would be a good spray distance to practice on dry runs.. and do primer/base/clear atomize at different distances?
Sometimes, you’re going to be getting close, it depends. Sometimes you’re like under a bumper cover or whatever, you got to get close. I can say anywhere from 4 inches a little extreme. But you could be at four inches away.
But anywhere from 6 to 8 inches is normal where you gonna be at when laying down paint, base coat, or clear coat. Keep in mind if you have a wide-open fan and if you’re too close, your spray pattern is not going to be able to get as wide as possible, because you’re cutting it short. So for the wide-open fan, 18 inches is where you wanna be and you’re gonna be getting a wide-open fan for wide coverage. So that’s where you wanna be, give or take.
If you sprayed Candy paint let it dry, then realized you needed another coat can you just wax and grease then lay that coat down?
I would not wax and grease it. If you let it dry, completely dry, you need to sand it. I would wet sand it with 800 to a thousand just to scuff it up and then re-candy it. !!do not wax and grease it, because you’re going to have any contaminants on it.
Let it dry, 800 or 1000 wet sand it. Wipe it off with a clean wet damp rag, tack it down and then put more candy on it, and then clear coat. That’s if you let it sit and dry overnight. But if it’s a regular flash coat, you spray the coat, and it’s kind of flashing for 20minutes-30minutes, then you could put another coat directly right on top of it but do not tack it. Do not wax and grease
It. Do not touch it because you have to just spray it on top of it.
Hope you enjoy this session “Automotive Painting | Things You Should Know and Consider”
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As we focus on today’s topic – “Automotive Painting | Things You Should Know and Consider”. You can also join me in LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Program and learn how to paint like a Pro.
Other Helpful Links:
The Best Grit To Use When Painting Over Faded Clear Coat
Top 10 Auto Paint Repair Problems and Solutions
Why Do I Get A Textured-Look In My Clear Coat: Auto Body Q&A
Sanding Multiple Colors of Paint Layers How To Avoid Chemical Reaction!
Correct Sandpaper Grit You Should Sand Your Car With – Before Paint!
Explaining The Use Of Mid Coat When Painting With Pearls And Flakes: Auto Body Q&A
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