The car paint process should start from the primer layer. Primers are used to physically hide any scratch, bubble, or spot on your car body, whether made of metal or plastic. It also protects metal pieces such as door hinges and bumpers from corroding during paint application to give a lasting, attractive new look that can maintain its shine for many years. This post answered some of the questions about the use of primers and a lot more about the auto body. Don’t forget to sign-up for to Learn Auto Body and Paint FREE COURSE for the step-by-step autobody work/process of “The G.O.O.D. Van Project”. Please also LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to my YT channel for new videos coming out soon.
QUESTION: If I reduce a primer enough, can I use it as a sealer?
Yes, and you don’t have to reduce it. There’s something called primer-sealer, PPG sells a primer-sealer. What I also like is something called the Nason select sealer, which is a 1k sealer. So it’s good if you sand, if you’re ready to paint and then you notice you got a couple of metal spots here and there a little bit of body filler showing through your sanded 400 grit and primer, you’re gonna get some of those spots sometimes and glazed putty that you see.
I like to use a Nason 1k sealer, you basically mix it up and you don’t even have to reduce it. You just shoot those areas, let it dry and then you put your base coat right on top of it, you don’t have to sand. So I would look into that, it’s called select seal by Nason.
But yes, you can use a 2k filler primer as a sealer, you just reduce it 10 to 15% more so it flows out smoother. Normally, if you’re using a primer as a sealer, I would recommend letting it dry and then dry sand or wet sand with 400 grit before you paint it. The true sealer does not need to sand whether you’re using a full-on sealer or a select 1k sealer, you do not sand before you shoot pace.
QUESTION: What’s the best way to remove overspray on powder-coated?
So you could even use like a reducer paint reducer or a lacquer thinner to remove it and you shouldn’t damage it at all, I’ve done it before. Another thing I’m not sure because powder coating is a little porous, it can be porous. You might be able to try using a clay bar, I’ve never tried that.
I usually just use a paint reducer, it’s a little less. It’s not as strong as a lacquer thinner. A reducer is not as strong as a lacquer thinner so you could use a base coat reducer/clear coat reducer. Any of those less hard, less chemical than a paint lacquer thinner to remove overspray.
QUESTION: How can I make touchup paint to give a customer? Does it have to be 1k or is there a way to make BC/CC into a touchup for rock chips/scratches?
There’s really no way to do it because if you mix clear coat, you have to put an activator in it for it to work. What I usually do for touch-ups, is because rock chips are so small, I just use base coat coz they’re going to be flat in color but it does the job. There’s no point in really putting base and mixing a little dab a clear and putting clear on it because you’re just going to have these shiny clear domes on your paint job.
So when I do rock chips or whatnot, realistically like a little dab of the white base will do the job, you won’t see it. So it’s really up to you when I do rock chip touch-ups I used to give my customers like a little bottle if they wanted like a nail polish bottle of base coat and they could just touch it up themselves. You know really it’s good enough.
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