Welcome to our Auto Body Q&A, where we’ll be diving into the art of rust repair roof. The roof of your vehicle is not only essential for protection but also a key part of its appearance. Over time, rust can become an issue, compromising both aesthetics and structural integrity. In this discussion, we’ll explore effective techniques and expert tips for tackling roof rust repair, ensuring your vehicle remains in top condition and looks great. Make sure to register for the FREE Learn Auto Body and Paint COURSE, where you can follow the step-by-step process of the newest “TESLA Project” and access additional custom auto bodywork and paint tutorials; don’t forget to show your support by liking and subscribing to my YouTube channel for upcoming videos. If you’re interested in exploring E-Commerce profitability, subscribe to this link now: https://ecomdomination.tonybrichie.com/.
What is the best way to deal with roof rust on a car? What are the steps (rust repair)?
It’s very hard for me to explain everything about rust repair without showing you. So the best bet, like I said is to go to learnautobodyandpaint, and get on that free video training series that I have. And definitely look into VIP, we have over 250 hours of step-by-step videos that show you how to do rust. Basically, in a nutshell, you’re gonna want to grind out your rust with a 16-grit sanding disc paper on a grinder or you can also just use a regular stone grinder. It depends if you have a lot of body filler on there that was patched up with bubbling and all. You’re gonna want to use a 16-grid disc because that’ll cut it down and get all that garbage out of there quicker. Because you’re just gonna kick up your stone grinder if you use a stone grinder.
Stone grinder is good if you just basically just got some paint, and metal that you want to kind of scuff up and grind down. That’s why I like using the discs because you’ll get all that surface rust off and all the body filler very very quickly.
Then you’re going to want to treat that with a Naval Jelly or Rust Inhibitor, rust killer and there are many different products that you can use. You can also use a water-vinegar mixture, then you’re going to sand that. Or you could fiberglass it, weld it, and then you can do your body fillers depending on whether you want to do it the right way, the fast and cheap way, or the right way.
There are multiple ways based on your end goal. If you’re trying to save money or you just trying to patch up the hole, put a quick paint job on it and sell it, depends on what you want to do.
But for more information on all of this that expands really deep and we get into a bunch of rabbit holes, go to learnautobodyandpaint.com – sign up for the free training and definitely check out VIP. If you guys are looking for great spray guns definitely check out zoolaa.com where you can also get a FREEGunbudd Ultra lighting system when you buy one of those automatic spray guns on www.zoolaa.com.
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