Hey, it’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. Thanks for joining me today while I do a demo on How to apply glaze putty.
This is quite tricky as I try to do a demo and record it, especially if I’m all alone. We’re going to be applying some glaze putty on some panels of this Daihatsu Mini Truck.
I hope you all can see this. I have a couple of pin holes here and we’ve mixed up some glaze putty to put on. Check out the video as I show you the process.
This is the last stage of the bodywork process. You can apply it to rock chips and pin holes if you missed some. You can do it right over the primer. I’m using a U-POL Dolphin Glaze.
Then, I’ll cut it flat with 400-grit and that’s it. It’s a 2% mixture. You’re literally putting drops of it. This is when you go over the entire car. This tailgate is perfect now.
After you prime your car, you need to take your time to go over it. You need to check for imperfections and little scratches that you missed.
Then, you let it dry. The truck is pretty much ready to sand out and paint. It’s going to look really cute.
I will be painting it with the bed off of the truck. So, I will not be doing any masking here. It will be a three-tone paint job. It will look crazy.
Once the entire project is done, I’ll be uploading it in the LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Program. For those who want complete access to the series, make sure to check out VIP.
Question: Does the door jambs need to be primed? [11:42]
You can paint it directly. This area here is enamel. It’s painted with single stage enamel. It’s a 1989 classic truck. All I did is scuff it with 400-grit and then it’s ready for paint. You can paint right on top of that.
Enamels or clear coats are a perfect foundation to put fresh base over. You don’t have to seal them. However, if you’re doing show jobs and customers pay you $15,000 for the job, it’s a good idea to seal it. But, it’s not going to hurt your paint job if you’re not going to seal a car. You just need to make sure that your body work is perfect.
If you have metal showing, don’t touch that up with 2K primer or 1k primer. Just hit it. Also, don’t wax a 1k primer because you’ll wash it off. Never wax and grease remove 1k primer.
Question: If my truck has been in primer for over a year, what do I have to do? [12:57]
Re-sand it and put a fresh coat of primer on it, finish it and then paint. I wouldn’t just sand it and paint over it.
Primer is not a sealer. Sometimes I see some people driving a car with prime for months. It’s really not sealing anything. If you put your paint and clear coat on it, then it’s sealed.
It’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. I hope you guys enjoyed today’s show. Don’t forget to grab your FREE 85-Page Auto Body And Paint Manual and get started with your own custom car projects.
Thanks everyone for joining me today. Please Like, Share and Subscribe to my videos!
Cheers! Talk soon!
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