In this blog post, we will discuss some of the essential aspects of working with body filler on bare metal surfaces. We’ll explore the importance of proper surface preparation, the types of body fillers available, and the step-by-step process to ensure optimal adhesion and a smooth, paint-ready surface. If you want to learn the basics of autobody repair and paint, check out our comprehensive course at Learn Auto Body and Paint. Please also LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to my YT channel for new videos coming out soon. And if you want to learn how to make money with E-Commerce subscribe now to this link:
QUESTION: Body filler over bare metal or over epoxy primers?
If you want to do the bare metal, you could do it. If you do it over primer, you’re gonna have to scuff the primer with at least 80 grit anyway to body filler.
Here’s what you could think about -if it is a big damage and you have a lot of damaged areas that you’re working on. Let’s just say I’m working on the fender and I have a lot of exposed metal area, I jacked it out. I got it pretty much flat and I have to do body filler across this much of the car, I would definitely go down bare metal.
So you got your body filler sticking to the bare metal. Do your shaping, your bodywork, and then you prime it -prime the whole thing then you block it out. See what high and low or whatever you got to add more.
And if you’re dealing with something very small, you could just grind it down and body-fill it. You can grind it down over the paint. You don’t have to go to metal and I show you this in VIP. So it really it’s a personal preference. In the end result, you’re not going to get a different result on how it looks after it’s properly painted.
But to me, the larger the area I would -go bare metal. If it’s a small little dent or a small little nick, you could go over prime. You could shoot it with primer first and then you could just scuff it and body-fill it, so it’s really up to you.
If you’re a total newbie on this, I definitely go to and download that free PDF guide that I give away. We have given away a lot of copies, and that was revised about a year and a half ago. So it’s pretty new as far as the content in there. And you know, auto body, the methods and auto body really don’t change. It’s been the same for 30 years. Some of the products change, but you know, the methods on how to get it done are pretty much the same. Okay. Hopefully, that helps.
QUESTION: How to deal with/pull deep dents when you don’t have access to the back of the panel?
When you don’t have access to the back panel, you could use a stud welder and just weld those pins in there and just pull them out. We show all of those strategies as well at
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