Hey it’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. Today’s topic is all about Auto Body Q&A and VIP Updates.
An important update for all the VIP members, we’ve been working on a brand new membership site. Now that it’s live, I’ll be updating the Daihatsu Mini Truck Project in this member’s area.
We’ve had issues with the the third party company hosting our old membership site and their support wasn’t as helpful, so I decided to build out our membership site on the current platform that we have.
For the VIP members, please watch out for that. For the non-members, if you are interested in joining the community, sign up for the LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Course now and get access to all of my complete projects in the member’s area.
We’ll send out an email with a unique registration link soon. Please watch out for that VIP members.
For the new guys who are interested to start with their own car projects, grab your FREE 85-Page Auto Body And Paint Manual. Go ahead and get cranking with your own custom projects!
What type of brand of epoxy do you recommend for attaching body kits? [24:16]
I like the 3m panel bonding epoxy. It’s good stuff.
How do you figure on pricing with the jobs that you do? [25:04]
That’s a great question. You could break down auto body jobs into a few different categories as well as break them up by paint systems.
The first category would be single stage, acrylic or synthetic enamel paint jobs. They are faster paint jobs. You don’t have to sand and prep and it’s not as tedious as doing base coat clear coat or other custom jobs.
It’s thicker and a cheaper paint. It comes into a single stage so you just need to lay two to three heavy coats of it.
Then, there’s base coat clear coat, which is a different paint system. Your materials will be more expensive and the effort is more time-consuming, so you can charge a lot more for these jobs.
Normally, high end customers or people with a lot more budget to pay more, will be requesting for base coat clear coat jobs. Remember, it will always depend on how much body work needs to be done.
Thank you everyone for joining me today. Please don’t forget to Like, Share and Subscribe to my videos.
I will be in touch and talk to you soon! Cheers!

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