With the right knowledge in autobody and paint, you can transform your car in your own style. However, auto body painting is not that simple. There are many different steps that you’ll need to know or you should do to get a professional result. Check this post for some ideas that might help you with your own car projects. Don’t forget to sign-up for to Learn Auto Body and Paint FREE COURSE for the step-by-step auto bodywork/process of “The G.O.O.D. Van Project” and more custom auto bodywork and paint. Please also LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to my YT channel for new videos coming out soon. And if you want to learn how to make money with E-Commerce subscribe now to this link: https://ecomdomination.tonybrichie.com/
QUESTION: To do a single stage, can I clear within a few days apart and what sandpaper do I use before clear?
The clear coat is really not needed. Single stage is a complete paint system and if you lay on glossy, it’s good to go.
But if you do want to clear coat it, I would recommend waiting about one to two weeks to make sure your single stage is nice, cured, and dry.
And you can sand it with like 800 grit, give or take to put some clear 800 to 1000 in that area.
Then you can follow up two coats of clear coat and you should be good to go. Another thing you could do is mix a clear coat and spray it literally after your second coat of single stage.
So normally if you’re spraying single stage and you’re laying it on really well. You will have complete coverage and two full coats going around the car and it should be glossy.
You could mix a batch of clear coat up and spray a third coat which is a clear coat on top of that immediately.
What you could also do is on your second coat, you could mix some clear coat on the side and then mix it in with your color which also work the same way. It’s like you’re mixing a clear coat with your color onto the last coat.
That could absolutely come out with good results and you could let that cure for a week or two and then color sand and buff it.
When you’re color sanding it, you might get a little color coming out but that’s normal and then you can color sand and buff that out to an even a shinier finish.