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The cool thing about this week’s video is, I’ve tested this process out over a few years…
We’re going to discuss whether it’s better for you to clear coat your headlights when restoring them or should you just buff them out? So basically, the question is – what is best for Headlight Restoration, Buffing or Clearing?
If you’re looking for a short-term solution, you can just buff them out which is basically sanding them down with 2000-grit then buff them like I show in the video. That should give you six months, one year, maybe even a year and a half with great-looking headlights. It depends whether the car is parked in the garage or if it’s in the sunlight a lot. If it’s the latter, it’s going to start looking dull in about 8 months to about a year. Then you’ll need to wash them down again with 2000-grit sandpaper and give them another shot at buffing.
So that should be great if you’re looking for a quick but not a permanent solution like if you’re buying and selling cars for profit, you want the front to look great, go ahead sand them and buff them out like I show in the video above.
However, if you’re looking for a longer-term solution, do the same thing but don’t use 2000-grit sandpaper. I used to use it but it’s no good because after about 18 months, they start to peel.
What I do nowadays is, sand them down with with about 1200-grit sandpaper and then clear coat them. Don’t sand it using any finer sandpaper because it will start to bubble on the edges. I did a couple of cars and I went back to Hawaii a few months ago and I’ve seen some of my friends’ cars that we tested this on and it looked like they started to bubble so we had to redo them. And I have these on videos for you.
Make sure you watch the video to see how it’s done. After that, if you’re into auto body and paint or customizing your cars and all that stuff, check out the LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Course.
I’m giving away a FREE 85-Page Auto Body And Paint Manual that walks you through repairing dents, putting two-tone paint jobs on, rust repair, body repair, all that stuff and I guarantee you will get a lot of great information.
Please like the video and share it with your friends, and feel free to leave your comments below. I want to hear your thoughts. What do you think?
I hope to see you on the inside soon!
Other Helpful Links:
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DIY Auto Body Work And Painting Q&A – Part 2
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