Hey, it’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. Today’s video is all about Cleaning your Atom Spray Gun – Grab Your Atom X Series Spray Gun Now!
We had an Atom X21 customer who had a problem with his spray gun. He complained that it wasn’t spraying as it should, so I asked him to send it to me so I can inspect it.
Now, looking at his spray gun, it seems that the spray gun was dropped. Check out the video as I show you the dent and the scuff marks.
These spray guns are fragile and have precision-made pieces, so you need to be extra careful not to drop them.
I’ll just give him a brand new air cap and mail it back to him. It works perfectly now, but I’ll just clean it out.
Watch the video as I show you how to clean out your spray guns.
Learn more about these new Atom X Series Spray Guns on Zoolaa. With a combined German and Japanese-style craftsmanship, these spray guns are definitely a league of their own.
Also, check out my Lambo here and see the awesome decals that I’ve put. I was driving this the other day and it was getting a ton of looks. It’s pretty crazy.
This is Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. Thank you everyone for joining me today. Don’t forget to grab your FREE 85-Page Auto Body And Paint Manual and get started with your own custom projects.
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