Hey, it’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. This video is all about Color Sanding And Buffing Tips.
Check out the video as I show you a demo on my Mazda Miata. We’ve just sanded everything down with 1500-grit on a DA Sander to cut all of the texture off the paint. It’s all flat now.
As you can see, I’m washing it down with 2000-grit. I’m just using my palm in most of the areas because there are a lot of rounded surfaces of the Miata. However, I use the block on some of the flat parts of the door.
This car has been sitting for about a year and a half already and I’ve just started color sanding and buffing it.
If you feel comfortable with a DA Sander, use it to shortcut the process. I used 15 pieces of the 1500-grit Velcro pad with it. This is what it’s supposed to look like after sanding it down with 1500-grit and washing it down with 2000-grit.
I’m going to do a plasti-dip black on the side mirrors to see how they look. I get a lot of flak for these gold mirrors. I think they look okay, but let’s see how it goes with the plasti-dip black. So, the gold colors will just be kept in the bottom – the side graphic and rims.
Then, I’m thinking of doing a flat black as well on the eyelids to match the mirrors. If I don’t like it, then I could just peel it off, which is the cool thing about plasti-dip.
Check out the complete video and follow my techniques to get really awesome results on your own car projects.
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It’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. I hope you enjoyed this video. Please like, share and subscribe to my videos!
Cheers! Talk soon!

Other Helpful Links:
Auto Body Q&A – What You Working On Now?
Color Sanding Tips and How To Buff a Car
Live Auto Bodywork Straight Sanding and Blocking
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