Hi, it’s Tony. Thank you for watching the video and checking out the blog. Today’s topic is DEMO: How To Use a Stud Welder and Pull Out Dents FAST.
Watch the video as I show you how I demo a stud welder. You need to twist the machine sometimes and have to have contact. Hold the trigger down while twisting it.
This is part of The Godfather Project that I did with my Godfather’s Dodge Ram truck. In this project, this is the first time my godfather, Gary did this. He has never touched one like this before. And, he’s doing pretty awesome with it. I’m sure he’s enjoying it too!
When taking the pins off, all you have to do is push them to the side, then you need to get your dykes. Put your dykes to the very tip of these pins and twist it. It will come right off. You don’t need to yank on it or pull it.
I’m welding some more pins in the low areas. Then, I’m just going to yank these section out a little bit more. After this, we’re ready to put some body filler on this piece.
Every time you make a dent, you’ll have high areas on it, so you need to knock these high areas down.
After pulling the pins, you need to cut off and grind excess pin welds off.
There are many ways to do body work. You can use a tree or a high beam in your shop, to put a come along to pull it out. You need pressure to pull it out. Once that’s done, you need to grind it a little bit more and then, put the body filler on top of that.
Next, I’m putting a hammer at the back of the section to flatten it out. The come along made a little bit of damage on it when we were pulling it out. We’re just bending it back together and working from there.
Now, we’re going to grind those little paint areas in the back and weld a couple more pins. We’ll put those areas out and hit the high spots.
Check out the video as I do a lot more demonstration on The Godfather Project.
Thank you for watching this video. I hope you learned some strategies for your own custom projects. To get access to The Godfather Project Series, check out the LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Course. I have a lot of other projects that will help you with your own car restoration.
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Other Helpful Links:
LearnAutoBodyAndPaint – Autobody Q&A in traffic
How To Repair Dents With Body Filler (Live Google Hangout)
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