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The #BossPainter is back with another auto body Q&A. Today’s highlight question is Different Ways To Remove Overspray.
Let me give out some quick updates before we proceed with the auto body questions.
The E-Com Domination Training will be launched soon and we are still open for registration. The e-commerce industry is booming and working from home is the trend so take advantage of the opportunity to learn more on how to set up your own side business and generate income while at home.

The Selfie Campaign for all Atom Spray Gun Owners is still active until the end of the month. To learn more about the mechanics, head on over to this link here: https://www.learnautobodyandpaint.com/giveaway-alert-the-atom-and-gunbudd-selfie-campaign/
Let’s proceed with the auto body questions!
Question: What is the best way to remove overspray?
There are different ways to remove overspray. One way is using a razor blade and soap to take out overspray on windows and glass. You can also use a clay bar with soap and water to take out overspray on body panels.
On the other hand, the best way to remove primer overspray on moldings such as plastic black trims on the doors is by the use of lacquer thinner. You can then use black rubber treatment to recondition these black trimmings.
I have a whole section in the LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Program that tackles the strategies to remove overspray.
Question: How are checkerboard patterns painted? Do you use a stencil or actually tape the pattern and paint?
You can use a stencil to do it. You can also use something like a rubber grip pad in kitchen cabinets that looks like a checkerboard, then lay that on pieces and spray base over it to give a carbon fibre effect.
Question: Do you have to use primer sealer before paint?
No, you don’t. I highly recommend that you check out the LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Program as I have several projects that tackle your question such as the BMW Project and the Green Mazda Miata Project. I didn’t have to prime the entire thing except for the areas that I did bodywork on.
Here are some resources you may want to check out as well:
2000 BMW Z3 M Roadster Bumper Cover and Hood Paint Talk Plus Q&A
Getting Started With Auto Body & Paint Work Mazda Miata
You can paint over sanded clear coat if it’s in good shape. If you have a lot of peeling and fading, you’ll need to seal those areas.
Question: Do all the Atom Spray Guns come in multiple tips?
I don’t think so. The Atom X88 Infinity Spray Gun is the only Atom model that comes with the dual tip.
It is not a recommended primer gun which is why it does not have a 1.8 or 2.0 tip, but it comes with the basic tip kits which are the 1.3 and the 1.4 tips. These tip sizes are good for base coat clear coat and single-stage enamels.
The Atom X88 Infinity Spray Gun is on pre-order sale on Zoolaa. Reserve yours now.
Thanks everyone for joining me today. For those who are thinking of customizing their own cars, download your FREE 85-Page Auto Body And Paint Manual now and get access to great information and resources to help you get started!
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Talk soon! Cheers and keep safe!
Other Helpful Links:
Getting Started With Auto Body & Paint Work Mazda Miata
Buffing Overspray After Clearcoating 👌
Straight Sanding, Guide Coat, and Blocking Techniques Made EASY
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