What spray gun tips or suggestions do you have for high-build car primer? -In this post, I gave some tips and advice with regards to spraying high-build primer, what to do on spray gun sputtering, and more Autobody concerns. Don’t forget to sign-up for to Learn Auto Body and Paint FREE COURSE for the step-by-step autobody work/process of “The G.O.O.D. Van Project” and more custom autobody work and paint. Please also LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to my YT channel for new videos coming out soon. And if you want to learn how to make money with E-Commerce subscribe now to this link: https://ecomdomination.tonybrichie.com/
QUESTION: What tip size should you use for a high-build car primer?
Anywhere from 1.8 is a good size to 2.0. However, you could use a 1.3 or 1.4 tip size for high-build primer paint if you reduce your primer, maybe add 10% more reducer than normal, and thin it out.
You’re going to give it a couple of extra coats, but it will work. And that’s something I taught early on in the VIP course back in 2010, it’s just a quick hack so you don’t have to go spend the extra money to get a larger tip size.
But some people like to spray it on heavy at one shot so if you’re looking to just mix up your 2k filler primer, as usual with minimal reducer, then I normally go with the 1.8 or 2.0. 2.0 I feel like it’s a little overkill, but it still works, then if you’re shooting out of a 1.3 – 1.4 you could just reduce it down and then just give it a couple of extra coats.
QUESTION: What grit sandpaper should I stop at before shooting my high-build car primer?
I’m not sure if you are VIP, I’m just going to put this link here for all you newbies just tuning in. Don’t forget to grab your free training at learnautobodyandpaint.com and if you want to join VIP check out the special offer we have there after you put in your email details. Super deal to get access to VIP tons of content over 250 hours of A to Z auto body, you’re gonna love it.
But as far as what grit to stop, you could shoot 2k filler primer over 150 grit, no problem. So 150 grit normally takes out peeling paint, fading, cracking, and pretty much most paint imperfections unless you have some hardcore surface rust then I would use an 80 then go down to 150, and then shoot 2k filler primer.
You could shoot a 2k filler primer over 150,220, 240, or 320, I wouldn’t go any finer than that. 320 is kind of like overkill but you need a good tooth grit for your primer to stick to. These are sand scratches by the way when I do this, you need a good tooth grit course and ultra-fine for 150.
QUESTION: What will cause my gun to sputter while I was spraying clearcoat?
It could be a dirty gun, you could have some clogging in the needle area up in here. If you got some build-up around here, that’ll definitely cause sputtering. So that’s the number one thing I would check is cleaning, making sure your spray gun is clean.
Again, maybe your neck filter. If you’re using a neck filter, if that clogged up that’ll give you sputtering as well. So you may even want to remove your neck filter. Some people don’t even like to put them in. I like to have them in there unless I’m shooting flake. But if you remove it, make sure you’re straining at the cup level. So make sure you’re putting a strainer up top before you’re putting your paint in if you don’t have a neck filter.
QUESTION: Should I use glass cleaner on Bondo before prime?
No. You never want to put anything on Bondo before priming. So after you got your body filler, you’re basically shaping it down, right? You’re shaping it, you’re sanding it, it’s ready, you blow it off, you spray 2k filler car primer directly on that. You don’t have to clean it, just blow it off. It could be outside and you could get rain on it, you could wash it with car soap. You wet your body filler for some reason, that’s not going to hurt anything. You just got to make sure that before you prime it, it’s soap, it’s dry.
Before you get back on shaping it and sanding or anything, just make sure the body filler is dry. You do not want to spray over wet body filler. So I’m just trying to say I’m making a point that moisture will not hurt it. Just make sure it’s dry when you proceed to do your body work.

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