Getting your car repaired is a serious thing but there are some tips you need to follow in order to make sure that the blending paint job goes well and looks professional when it’s done. Don’t forget to sign-up for to Learn Auto Body and Paint FREE COURSE for the step-by-step autobody work/process of “The G.O.O.D. Van Project”. Please also LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to my YT channel for new videos coming out soon. And if you want to learn how to make money with E-Commerce subscribe now to this link:
QUESTION from one of the Subscribers:

So you can paint on top of a painted clear coat -it’s a good foundation.
Yes, absolutely. If you’re doing a complete quarter panel skin replacement here, it looks like it just missed the bumper cover. The bumper cover could definitely be salvaged so I would definitely blend into it.
The lower part of the bumper cover where that marker light is, I would be blending all in there, that whole side back. And then just blend the new base coat with the green base coat on the quarter panel.
I would also do the blend cutting at the top of the roof area. So that’s where I would kind of do the blend. You could go lower, I think this is going to be a pretty easy color to shoot as long as whoever’s mixing your paint does a good job with the color match.
Also, I would definitely take a piece of this, once you cut this quarter panel out, you would just cut a piece of it and give them that piece to match the paint.
So I would definitely blend about half the door like your bodywork is literally going to be like 20% of the door. I would definitely base this area where the handle is take out that handle, do the bodywork, and make sure it’s good.
And then I would blend the base coat probably all the way toward the middle or a little bit more under the mirror (toward the middle of the door, blend it really good), then just clear the whole door.
Clear the quarter panel because that’s going to be all fresh paint then blend the bottom of this bumper cover (the side of the bumper cover) and don’t really touch the back too much. Just pretty much the side, blend the side.
QUESTION: Can I spray primer surfacer with my ATOM X27 1.4 tip or should I purchase a larger tip? Seems I am getting a low volume of Epoxy primer with 1.4.
So if you’re going to be spraying any type of primers (2K filler primers or epoxy primers) out of a 1.3 or 1.4 standard painting tip size, you’ll need to reduce your primer by 10 to 15%. Because primers are naturally thicker than base coats or single stage. a little bit thicker than a single stage. You want to thin it down if you’re shooting out of a smaller nozzle.
However, you could upgrade and get yourself a 1.8 or 2.0 conversion tip for that gun which will allow you to shoot it straight, shoot on thicker, and cover more scratches quicker, it’s up to you. So if you’re going to be reducing it, you’re going to reduce it but you’re going to spray more coats. If you’re going to use a larger tip size, you’re going to cover quicker, less coats, and just pretty much just get it done faster.

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