Instructions to Clean Chrome- Cleaning Chrome Rims and Car Parts From Home may be befuddling from the outset in the event that you don’t have the foggiest idea what steps to take or simply don’t have the foggiest idea what the best alternatives are.
Numerous individuals utilize compound which is extraordinary. A couple of brands are 3M and Mothers. Mothers brand is well known among vehicle fans who hope to clean chrome and aluminium.

Like I said, this method works well. But what I like better is “Triple O Brillo” steel wool.
The stuff is great! It takes out all watermarks, dirt, grime, tar, surface rust and won’t scratch your chrome plating. It’s safe on plastic or metal chrome plated finishes.
However, it’s not recommended on aluminium as it will make it dull looking. The best bet for polishing aluminium is to use sandpaper with grit ranges from 1000-2000 followed by a compound like mothers.
This process will give you a chrome-like finish on your aluminium.
Brillo is easy to use. Remember to use a 000 or 0000 fine. Always rinse your finished chrome and surrounding areas that you worked on with soap and water.
This step is needed because as you clean and take off grime & water spots off of your chrome the steel wool pad will start to break down. The fine particles will sit on your part and if you get it slightly wet and leave it… you may have a little surface rust appear.
I’ve been using this method for years and it works like crazy, it’s really cheap and you don’t need all of those high priced cleaners or compounds either.
Try it! Here is an image below of what the pads look like. Be sure to watch the video above for a live example and share with your friends if you thought this post was helpful!

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This website is very very usefull of me and who need to know about paithi8ng. Thank you
i want to know which chemical use for chorom spray paint for plastic? anybody help me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?
Chrome paint?
cool web site that steel wool trick helps alot thanks!
quick question is there any way of restoring a carbon fiber hood its all dull and hazy looking any recommendations?
Awesome Billy! Yes, you can give it a nice 2 coats of clear. These are the things that you’ll be able to learn within the VIP club! Maybe We’ll see you inside!
What can you use to get pits out of your chrome rims?
If it’s pitted, you may need to just have them plated…
Thanks for sharing nice tips. which product you recommended to buy for car cleaner?
Hey Ashek, there are lots of great brands! You may try out any brand, depending on your preference! Join me in my live streams and let’s talk auto body!
Great article! Thank you!
Have you tried TriNova Conditioner?