It’s another fun and crazy talk with our LearnAutoBodyandPaint VIPs. Stay tuned in this “How to Fix Orange Peel and what is the BEST Automotive Paint Gun to Use” episode of Auto Body Q&A. Secure your LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP slot now and be part of the #BossPainter community!
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Jack Callis
Lifetime VIP
Santa Barbara, CA
“I’m so happy with my Atom X20 and X16, I always have great results in everything I need to do”

ATOM X20 Professional Spray Gun – MP LVLP Solvent/Waterborne BEST SPRAY GUN FOR STARTERS
Professionally designed in Dallas, TX. and manufactured in Asia. The ATOM Series spray guns are nowhere to be found but here. They are the NEWEST line of superb technology spray guns on the market.

Now you can get the finest ATOMIZATION and direct application spray gun on the market for less than half the cost of your normal high-end spray gun.
Question: I got a car with a lacquer finish that has surface rust. If I want to start a bodywork would I have to sand down to bare metal?
You don’t have to sand down to bare metal. Firstly, if it’s an old lacquer finish, it could be a single-stage enamel and not lacquer. In short, what you could do is just sand it with 150 grit. Secondly, feather it out and take out all the fading, get it all smooth, and put two heavy coats of 2k filler primer on it to cover the whole thing. Most importantly, you have to block sand the area and put a sealer on top of it and shoot it or you could shoot right over it.
Question: How do you get air bubbles on your clearcoat?
For instance, having your clear coat too thinned out and if you mix your clearcoat improperly and it’s too thin, while it’s atomizing you can trap air bubbles in there and you’ll end up having bubbles in your clear coat.
Question: Can I sand single stage 1200, 2000, and put another coat on to cure orange peel and dry spots? How to Fix Orange Peel? What is the BEST Automotive Paint Gun to Use?
– Ellen Hatcher VIP- Eldersburg, MD
Absolutely! Just make sure to sand with 800 grit instead of 1000 or 2000. If you’re going to repaint the whole panel, just get it down with 800 grit and put two heavy coats of single stage. After that, If you are looking to buff, then you can start with 1200 grit up to 2500 grit if it’s a light color, 2500 to 3000 if it’s a darker color then buff it out. That is only advisable if you’re buffing.
Question: I’m painting my 2000 Eclipse GT, soon the paint peel off the hood with some rust. Do I have to cure the rust or can I just put epoxy primer on it? The whole car is peeling.
You have to feather all the peeling off with 150- 180 grit. For big rusted areas, use a 50/50 vinegar and water mixture to grind it down. After that, dab the mixture on a rug and apply it to the area with peeling and scuff 80 grit. Above all, fill it with a fiberglass filler afterward and you’re good to go. You may use this great product I used in my CRV project, it’s called U-Pol fiber light which is great for rust hole filler.
What Causes Orange Peel? and How To Fix or Prevent Orange Peel Paint? Head on this link for more information:
ATTENTION: VIPs or non VIPs, please send and share your car projects to [email protected] so we can FEATURE and PROMOTE your story.
Question: What is the BEST automotive spray gun that you would recommend for a 30 gallon air compressor?
I have been using the ATOM X spray guns for my car projects, therefore, I would highly recommend ATOM SPRAY GUNS as they atomize perfectly with professional gloss and results. So ATOM X27 LVLP is my choice for a smaller air compressor.
You may also try ATOM X88 with 1.3 and 1.4 TIP COMBO and ATOM X20 which is a great starter spray gun perfect for primer, base coat, and clear coat. The ATOM X20 LVLP version with 1.8 or 2.0 tip kit sprays out perfect primer coats.
Question: How do you do a MATTE paint job?
So, If you’re doing base coat and clear coat, you have to put a flattener in your clear coat to give you that matte look. In addition, the other way is to get a product called Hot Rod Flats. You can get them in single-stage where it comes out matte already.
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