In this short video we’ll show you how easy it really is… How to smoke tail lights yourself.
Basically, all you have to do is sand your plastic lenses with 1500-2000 grit sand paper. Preferably wet sand. You’d just get a better cut with wet sanding. Now, some say you need a adhesive promoter… I think it’s a bunch of crap. As long as you sand your lens, you wont need it.

Mix your automotive clear coat like you would use it to spray your car. All you do is add 5-10% of unreduced black base coat into it and mix it up. Pretty simple right? Then lay 2-3 coats or more until your desired smokiness shows on your lens. In this example I purposely didn’t go that dark because the cops around here are a pain in the A$$. The finished look came out nice.
There are a few benefits to you when doing this.
1. You’re keeping your OEM lights and will have a good fit.
2. If you’re a DIY guy, you’ll get the satisfaction of doing it yourself!
3. You can save some cash if you’re into this stuff and already have spray guns etc…
If you’re not fully prepared to do this but want to get into this then cool. We have a VIP community that will support you through your progress. The VIP club is a Amazing community with thousands of worldwide members that strive to learn and improve their auto body and paint skills themselves.
If you want to learn more about customizing cars, doing custom paint jobs, auto body work etc… then you MUST check out the LABAP VIP community right here… Join thousands of like minded members, learn an envied skill and show-off your skills to friends and family!
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Talk soon!
i thought this tail light video stunk and i’l tell you why. first thing after 2000 grit sand paper you never said to use water with the paper. second thing you started to talk about how much clear and when it came to the color paint it just zipped in high speed and never knew what color or how much or what kind of paint (flat gloss brown black) and lastly for the newbee’s it never said to clean them with a prep type spray or some cleaner just before the paint. your 85 page video was great but this is not your good stuff.
Barry, I showed to use water with the paper… and I also say it in the post. lol… what color, black base coat, like I wrote in the post above.
You got me on the wax and grease remover part. I was going do to a voice over on the video (and I think I will) but it was 2am here when I made it, and I totally forgot to do the voice over 🙂
I’ll probably do a remake of this video and post it, no prob. Thanks for your thoughts!
Besides, this video is just a quick sample of how easy it really is to smoke your tail lights… The full-length version will be available in complete detail (for newbies) within the VIP section of the site.
Cheers B!
tony- really really liked the smoking the tail lights video! looking foward to more–thanks ron
Nice info like how ya make things simple and break it down
thanx tony. :)..i enjoy your videos .
Hey,tony, is it possible to paint crome on a auto.?
Sure, they have chrome painting kits, I’ll blog on that topic soon. What you have to do is paint the chrome paint over a black base to get the chrome look. It’s a longer process, but looks pretty awesome in the end.
Hello tony, I like your stuff and I want to get your complete package but don’t know how. I wrote to you on facebook n I have not seen your reply. I run an autobody shop in Nigeria and I really need all the stuff I can get from you. I like us to comminicate soon, pls.
i wanna come there with my son to learn from you all to repair and paint auto body
would you help me
ready to pay all fees
Sorry, we focus on the online community and VIP members. We do not offer personal live one-on-one personal coaching at the moment. Sorry!
Hi Tony,
Thx for the free tips, I’ve put it in to practice on my own vw golf V on the tail lights, and it worked out great!
Not to dark and not as bright as standard. The difference is that i have not paint the round parts, the practicle part. It works great with metalic black!
If you will give my a e-mail i will upload some pictures!
Best r
Awesome! Yes, metallic will look cool too 🙂
hoqw long do u let it dry? also how many minute or hours apart do you recoat it?
about 10 min flash time recoating depending on the temp.
Tony-touch…LOL… I really like your videos and found them to be very simple to follow and informative. i enjoyed the smoke like video, since is something i have been wanting to do…
P.S. May be you already have but, can you post something regarding what to do after you paint a car e.g. color buff, and buffing.
Thanks again & keep up the good job…
Cool Carlos! I do, check the blog out!
What is the mixture your using?
10-15% be careful. The more black you add the quicker it will cover as you spray layers.
Can you do this in the front light just to get them shine without unreduced black base only using clear coat
Yes, we also have videos on that too. You’re using your head! 🙂 Check back for more videos and if you haven’t yet subscribed, then subscribe and get our free 85 page auto body manual on the right of this post. Talk soon!
Hi tony, I’m from uk and I’m interested to be member. I’m just wondering if I need to pay for the postage since it was emphasize to your registration fee of $197.
hey Jeric! No postage. This is currently an online course. You get to watch streaming or download all videos to your computer. It’s currently also a lifetime membership. You’ll never have to pay again. You will also get free updates for life. Thank you for your interest. -Tony
What’s up Tony! i just wanted to know how to remove the tint from my BMW 545i tail lights… i bought the car and it came with smoked tail lights but i’d prefer the stock look. please help! thank you!
I am not sure what kind of tint you have on it. It may be easiest to get a replacement if they were painted over.
any recommendation on the clear or base coat brands for mixing compatibility?
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