if you want to bang out super glossy paint jobs even on a budget and know how to flow this paint on then you must read this post or watch this video all the way. Super important! Don’t forget to sign-up for to Learn Auto Body and Paint FREE COURSE for the step-by-step autobody work/process of “The G.O.O.D. Van Project” and more custom autobody work and paint. Please also LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to my YT channel for new videos coming out soon. And if you want to learn how to make money with E-Commerce subscribe now to this link: https://ecomdomination.tonybrichie.com/
✅ Wet sanding 2k primer and 1k glaze putty with 400 grit
If you see some body filler showing, get that 1k sealer(super easy to use). You want to make sure you feather the glaze putty in and this is what primer should look like (photo below). It’s all feathered in (they call that feathering in) and we’re just going to go around the van and make sure we got every little piece sanded.
✅ Prep before painting tips
Before doing any type of painting, you always want to make sure you blow out all the seams. We just blew out all the seams with our air gun to get any trapped water anywhere. You want to make sure it’s dry before you do anything.
✅ Proper way of masking
So what we’re going to do is do the outline masking. I’m going to use and you always want to use a good masking tape. What we’re going to be using is the American brand. Never use cheap masking tape because you’re going to end up with glue stuck on it. If you let it sit for a day out in the sun, it’s gonna give you major problems.
You don’t want to use the regular painters’ tape and I use that for quick stuff but never when doing a paint job. If you just want to try to redo some primer overspray or taping around the window and you’re masking something up fast, you could use this stuff (regular tape).
But as far as a proper masking job, you always want to use a 3M but this is a PG that is made by American. This is good tape so if you want, this is the one I’ve been using for 15-20 years and this is the one I’ll use. So we’re going to do an outline, I’m basically going to outline all of our windows, things that I don’t want to be painted, so we don’t get overspray.
Basically, wax and grease remove the whole thing, and wipe it down. We’re going to spray some sealer on some of the areas where we have exposed metal and then we’re going to shoot it.
✅ Mixing and spraying 1k sealer by Nason
We’re going to be using the Nason select seal 1k. All we do is just mix it in and we don’t need to add anything to it, put it in our gun, and spray it. For about 15-20 minutes after this dries flashes, then you spray your paint. We’re not gonna worry about it because we’re going to start on the roof and then come down.
✅ Avoiding orange peel
Keep in mind that if you’re spraying any kind of sealer where you’re not going to be sanding it, you’re just going to be spraying a sealer and base coat. You want to use a decent gun when spraying sealer because you want it to lay on very smooth.
If you have an orange peel sealer, then your base coat is going to be orange peeled. This is why I also teach, instead of using a sealer and if you feel like it’s another extra step – you don’t have to do a sealer. You could just use a 2k filler primer, block, or sand it flat just take your time. You can wet sand it or dry sand it with 400 grit and ready for paint.
*Done with wax and grease remover – you do not want to wax and grease remove over the 1k sealer it will melt it.
✅ Tack the vehicle down once before spraying single-stage
✅ Paint mixing ratios
So I gave you the mixing ratios for this 8:1. So eight parts paint, one part hardener, and one part reducer. You can always add a little bit more reducer if you feel like it’s a little thick.
That’s why I like mixing with consistency right before I paint. Because you could just add a little extra reducer and just see by the paint’s viscosity and thickness that it looks good enough to spray.
You could tell right away on the skin on the stick if it’s too thick, you would also be able to tell by the drips. So I teach this in my VIP course as well so don’t forget to get your free information and free auto body training at learnautobodyandpaint.com.

✅ Pro painting tips❗(spraying paint)
Super important information ❗❗❗
It’s not the spray gun. A pro or somebody who’s good at painting can take a piece of crap, it is partial but mostly it’s not the spray gun. What is it? It’s the air settings, the distance from the panel to the gun, its gun flow speed, and its lighting. Those are the main things.
But aside from that, I would rather be using a really good mid-grade gun versus a cheapo gun. So you could spend 30-40 or 50-60 bucks and get a cheapo gun. I’m telling you right now, it’s not going to atomize as well. But painters like me and other guys know how to manipulate it by maybe going slower and laying it on heavier if it doesn’t have good atomization. This is why we can make most paint jobs look very good even with a cheap crap gun versus a good gun.
So gun has something to do with it, but it’s really not all of it. What I would say is get a good high-end gun if you can afford it, or at least a good medium-grade spray gun to lay it on.
*The first coat is never going to look like the second coat so you might have some paint texture, and some orange peel that’s normal. The second coat, when you lay it on heavy like this will make it flow out so pay attention and again this is a single-stage paint job. It’s a super quick paint job, a work van and we just want to put some nice paint on it, seal it up, make it look good again, revive it and it came out amazing.
✅ Spray painting overlay techniques
So I just want to say guys, don’t rush. Take your time. Do a 50% overlay about 4 – 6 inches away from your panel. I’m spraying probably at about 28-29 pounds. I’m about 4 – 5 inches away from the panel laying it on a heavy 50% overlay.
✅Tips on spraying single-stage paint
Not afraid to go over the same spot 2 or 3 times, laying it on nice. Thick and heavy is how we want to lay single-stage. Don’t rush, take your time and lay it on right. And then the light will help you because you can see it lay on glossy. If it looks like it’s orange peel, go back and hit it again like this is the time to make it as smooth and glossy as possible. And keep in mind this is the first coat. Your second coat is going to lay on so much nicer.
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Other content:
🟢 Learn How To Make Money With E-Commerce: https://ecomdomination.tonybrichie.com/
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More DIY Auto body Videos to Watch:
🚘 The Basics: Auto Body And Paint Your Car Yourself Without Spending $1,000s: https://youtu.be/T11x2Jht5fQ
🚘 Proven DIY BODYWORK Tricks – Easily Body Work & Paint Your Car at Home! Part 2: https://youtu.be/1JYQpsLEPr4
🚘How To Spray 2k Filler Primer and Apply Glaze Putty Before Single-Stage PAINT!: https://youtu.be/WEfo3rdZYRk
🚘How To SPRAY paint in Raw Plastic, Aluminum, and Steel Car Parts (Single Stage BLACK): https://youtu.be/xHMyWUGGyO4
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