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Hey, what’s up! Tony B. Richie is back with another Q&A session entitled, How To Stop Rust On Your Car.
We are giving away 25 GunBudd Ultra Lighting Systems to LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIPs so we can start sending out these great items in our sessions.
Also, after very careful consideration, we finally decided to go back to Honolulu, Hawaii in July. The awesome thing here is I am excited to go back and get started with my LearnAutoBodyAndPaint projects. There were projects and plans that were left hanging in Hawaii so it’s great to roll them out soon. What’s great about living in Hawaii is the weather because I can paint all-year-round. Woohoo!
We’ll also be releasing lots of new content for the Tony Richie. For those would like to learn more about building a high autonomy lifestyle, check out the Tony Richie Inner Circle Program!
Let’s proceed with the auto body questions:
Question: I’m painting an outboard(for practice) and the 2 coats of primer is done. Following up with single-stage Enamel. Do I wax and degrease before the single-stage or just tack? How many coats of enamel?
You need to wax and degrease, then tack it down and shoot your enamel.
Question: Do I need to block sand on my bodywork? How about the rest of the truck where no bodywork was done?
Yes, you do. You don’t have to go crazy though but you need to at least take down the orange peel or the texture of the paint and get it flat as possible.
You need to block out your primer or clear coat before you paint because you’ll end up with orange peel. It will be harder to take out and it wouldn’t be flat because you have your orange peel on before your base coat or single stage.
Question: Can you explain a wet coat?
A wet coat is when you’re laying it on glossy hence, it looks “wet”.
Question: What is your preferred method for preventing rust from coming up again?
We do cover this in the LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Program under rust section. There are a few ways to handle rust, depending on the severity of it.
You need to undercoat the backside if you’re doing rocker panels or door panels and cutting them out. I like to use a paintable rubberized undercoat for hitting the back, after you repair the front.
You can use a naval jelly or vinegar-water mixture to kill the rust. Check out these other great blogs on rust repair:
Rocker Panel Rust Repair Tips Q&A
POR 15 Rust Inhibitor – Can You Spray Basecoat Clearcoat Over POR 15?
Seal Rust With TITE SEAL Aerosol Auto Body Undercoating on 67 Chevelle
Question: When sanding fibreglass panels, once it’s primed do you wet sand with 400-grit or 600-grit?
You can use either of them. When you’re 400-grit, it will eventually turn into 600-grit once you repeatedly use it. The same thing, if you use 600-grit it will eventually turn into 800-grit.
Question: What is the minimum CFM needed for spray?
That’s a very general question. You may check out some of these resources to learn more about air compressors and CFM needed to paint your car:
Best Small 20 – 30 Gallon Air Compressors for Auto Painting Projects
Using A Small Air Compressor To Paint An Entire Car: Auto Body Q&A
Connecting Two Small Compressors – Air Compressor Size For Painting
Best Air Compressor Size for Full Vehicle Painting
I also recommend the Atom Spray Guns on Zoolaa for your car painting needs. Visit Zoolaa and grab these very affordable yet high-quality spray guns.
Thanks everyone for joining me today. Please SMASH that Like button. Share and Subscribe to my channel!
Download your FREE 85-Page Auto Body And Paint Manual. The free manual is very interactive with great resources and links to awesome content that will help you get started with your own car projects.
Talk soon! Cheers!
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Other Helpful Links:
Explaining Air Compressors for Car Painting: Auto Body Q&A
Prepping Rust Using Inhibitor Naval Jelly or 50/50 Vinegar Water
LearnAutoBodyAndPaint: Learn Advanced Rust Repair Strategies
Best Small 20 – 30 Gallon Air Compressors for Auto Painting Projects
Auto Body Planning – How To Start A Classic Rust Bucket Project!