Hey, it’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint with another live stream. Today’s live show is entitled LABAP Q&A and Shop Update (puttin the Miata on the market soon).
The plan with the Lambo is to make a bunch of cool videos. I don’t think I will be doing a lot of crazy things to it. One thing I am going to do is paint the back panel black. I’m going to gloss it out. We will re-spray it with base and gloss it out. It’s pretty sweet!
Question: What do you say to someone who is held back by the mentor? They are not teaching you to trade. [2:05]
Answer: I think your mentor is scared of you. They see you as a threat. So they don’t want to show you everything because they are probably afraid that if they teach you everything, you are going to go out on your own and get your own shop. So I would work with another guy and find another shop to work for.
Question: How do I fix crashed door jambs? [10:05]
Well, you got to pull it out first. You need to use some sort of frame puller. You might have to cut sections and replace it if it’s too bad. It depends on how it looks.
Some of the top painters in the world like the House of Kolor founder, finish with 400-grit. Some people disagree with me, but I’ve been painting for a long time and working in body shops. I’m telling you that 400-grit is perfect.
Question: Why do base coats mixed different? I thought they were all 1:1? [16:27]
Most of them are 1:1. Some brands may have a different mixture. All of the base coats I use are 1:1. That really depends on the brand you are using. However, a lot of the high-end brands are one to one.
Questions: Do I have to use adhesion promoter to paint my bike? [18:49]
Yes, I would. If it is flexible plastic like dirt bike panels, then you need the adhesion promoter. Otherwise, if you are painting dirt bike panels like that, it is going to crack.
If you are painting a motorcycle panels or hard plastic then you are not going to have a problem. You could use a little bit of adhesion promoter but you can just prep and paint it just like a car.
Questions: What if I want to change my car with a totally different color? Should I re-spray the clear coat to make it look better? [22:36]
If you are sanding the car down and prepping it for paint, and doing it with the same color, you might as well shoot some fresh base coat and then clear it. I never recommend just shooting clear coat on top of old paint.
Question: Is paste pearls better than powder pearls? How much grams to use into the intercoat to show pearls? [30: 21]
I would say powder and liquid are both the same, there’s really no difference. Although, I think you have more flexibility with the powder because it is a straight pearl. It all depends on how much pearl you want to show in your paint job. How deep do you want it? In a half a gallon, you could put maybe 20 to 30 grams of pearl. You don’t really need a lot of pearl to show in paint.
Check out the X Finishes Pearls and Flakes in Zoolaa. One bag of pearl is about 2- 3 ounces in a half a gallon of clear coat or intercoat.
I have great new models of the Atom X Series Spray Guns in the store as well as accessories for your Atom Spray Guns, so head on over to Zoolaa and check it out.
I have complete projects in the LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Course where I show you how to paint with pearls, flakes and candy. For those who are interested, check out VIP and learn how to get pro finishes on your own car projects.
Don’t forget to grab your FREE 85-Page Auto Body And Paint Manual. All the essentials to get you started is in the FREE book, so grab yours now.
It’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. Thank you all for coming today. Please follow me on Instagram, I have a different pen name, Tony Richie. Also please like and follow the LearnAutoBodyAndPaint Facebook page.
Please don’t forget to Like, Share and Subscribe to my videos. I hope you liked today’s show.
Talk to you soon! Have a great weekend! Cheers!

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