Hey, it’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint with another live show. Today’s show is entitled is Lamborghini present.
So I have a big present today in this box. FedEx brought me a huge box which was a big surprise.
Do you know what’s missing in my Lambo here? Let’s go ahead and open up the box to see what’s missing in my car.
Someone who guesses it correctly will have a FREE XFinishes Pearls or Flakes of his choice from Zoolaa. J
We have here the covers for the engine bay of the Lamborghini. The owners left it in his garage when they were working on the exhaust, so they sent it to me. It looks great now, with all the pieces. This Lamborghini is a 2011 model with 20,000 miles on it.
Check out this Vinylex which is the best product for raw plastic on cars. It will keep the plastics on your car look really nice and brand new for a long time. I bought a box of this about 5 years ago and I still have some.
What are your big plans for 2018? Do you have any big plans? If you plan to start customizing your own cars, but don’t know where to start, grab your own FREE 85-Page Auto Body And Paint Manual and start cranking on your plans for this year.
If you want to get access to all of my complete projects like the Mazda Miata and The Godfather Project, join the LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Program. It’s a comprehensive course on auto body work and paint, which you will definitely love and benefit from.
It’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. Happy new year everyone! Please Like, Share and Subscribe to my videos.
Happy 2018 everyone and keep warm!
Talk soon! Cheers!

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