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Hey, it’s Tony with another live stream. Today’s topic is Learn Auto Body – Your Questions Answered!
First of all, I want to apologize for being absent for the past couple of weeks. I’ve been super busy with other projects. But, thank you for getting on tonight. I miss you guys!
Let’s go ahead and do some Q &A. Also, I’m going to give away a bag of pearl at the end of this show. So stay tuned! A lot of you voted for blue, so we’re going to give away a bag of blue pearls.
Question: How long does a dipped car last? [5:36]
As long as you don’t peel it off. So you could keep Plasti Dip on a car for a long time. I’ve had Plasti Dip on rims for years without any issues. You could just peel it off if you don’t like it.
I think dipping is cool for wheels and rims, maybe mirrors, and little accents on the car, but not a whole car. Some people like to dip their entire car.
Question: Is 2k primer same as sealer? [6:14]
It depends on the mixture. You can get something called the 2k primer sealer. If you add a little bit more reducer to the mixture, it becomes a sealer. If you lessen the reducer down a bit it becomes more a primer filler.
I’m assuming the end question is, if you can paint over 2k primer or 2k primer sealer. The answer is absolutely yes. It’s a very good foundation to paint your base clear coat on top of, as well as a single stage enamel.
Question: How do you clean a buffing pad? [7:14]
They actually have those spurs that you can buy. Check out the video as I show do a demo.
This is also in the LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Course, so go check out VIP and see how it can help you out with your own car projects.
Question: When are you doing The Godfather Project Part 2? [12:20]
We haven’t started it yet. I’m still finishing up the Daihatsu Mini Truck. Then, we’ll be uploading it in the LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Program.
Question: What sand paper number should I use to get a nice smooth finishing? [14:02]
You want to finish off with a 400-grit paper which is perfect for painting base coat clear coats over.
Question: Is it better to sand to bare metal on the entire car when painting? [14:34]
You don’t need to sand to bare metal. Maybe if you’re working on a classic, a collectible and you want to get it down to basically zero, then you can go to bare metal. However, if you’re doing a newer car or 10- year old car, you don’t need to do that. Sand it down with 320-grit, and wash it off with 400-grit. Then, do all your steps of body work.
Let me just remind you. The rule of thumb is don’t paint over 380-grit or 320-grit. The magical number is 400.
I think once you get in to the 600-grit, you’re getting a little too fine. You need some tooth. You need some sand scratches for your paint to stick to and fill up.
Question: Where can I buy a liquidated Warwick spray gun? [21:57]
You can buy one on Zoolaa. There’s a few left in the inventory. Once we sell out on the Warwick spray guns, we’re not going to stock them anymore.
We’ve been getting a lot of complaints so I posted that video of the Warwick 904HE kit. I’m just communicating what’s coming to me from the end user. I have been personally getting a lot of complaints with those spray guns
Now, I’m a big fan of the Atom Spray Guns. They’re amazing and really awesome spray guns. You can get it on Zoolaa as well.
Question: How do you prevent fish eye? [23:33]
There is something called fish eye eliminator. You just put one squeeze of that in your base coat or clear coat, wherever you’re having issues. But, it’s mostly in your clear coat.
The reason for fish eye is contamination on your surface panel or in your paint. You need to make sure that your panels are clean. I always use wax and grease remover and I never had an issue.
The first one who answers the question will get a free bag of X Finishes Pearl. What is the recommended grit of finish sanding before base coat clear coat or single stage painting? What is the best grit to paint over that will give you pro finishes?
Jason won! He was quick! Send us an email and we’ll give you any color you want. The answer is 400-grit.
Was this fun? Maybe we’ll do this more often. Thanks guys for joining me today. Please don’t forget to grab your FREE 85-Page Auto Body And Paint Manual and start learning more about DIY auto body work.
The goal is to do these live shows every Thursday night at 8pm central. If you miss the live shows, you can watch the replays posted on the LearnAutoBodyAndPaint website.
Thanks everyone for joining me today. Please Like, Share and Subscribe to my videos.
Cheers! Talk soon!

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