It’s Tony with another live stream. I’m actually driving right now. Let’s do some Autobody Q&A in traffic!
This is the first time that I’m doing a YouTube live off of my mobile internet and not connected to my home wifi. I’ve been wanting to test it out. It’s awesome.
We had a hail storm here the other day. It’s a tennis ball size hailstorms. It’s pretty crazy. This is what traffic looks like in Texas right now.
Question: My paint is peeling off my car. What can I do? [3:49]
You need to sand it down and repaint it. It depends on how bad it is.
I have to buy a camera mount because my arm is getting pretty tired. LOL! We’re actually going to get some junk food tonight. I’m going to Popeye’s and get some chicken for dinner.
I have yet to take this truck off road in heavy duty. I drove around my property and had it on 4-wheel drive but that’s it. I just haven’t had the time to do it.
Question: Any difference in epoxy primers? [6:43]
It depends on the brand that you use. However, as far as getting the job done, they’re pretty much the same.
Question: I don’t have room for a 60-gallon compressor, but I want to paint my car. Any suggestions? [7:30]
You can rent a spray booth. Do all the body work at home and get it done in your garage then rent a spray booth. I have a video in YouTube that shows you how to rent a spray booth.
Question: I was using high-build primer and it was clogging up my gun. What do I do? [8:33]
What tip size were you spraying at? You were probably spraying with a small tip size like a 1.4mm. I would recommend at least a 1.8mm, 2.0mm or 2.2mm tip size.
Introducing the new Atom X Series Spray Guns. These are professional spray guns that will give you German and Japanese style, craftsmanship and performance for a fraction of the cost. With a no o-ring design and pure spraying simplicity at it’s finest. Head on over to Zoolaa to learn more about these awesome spray guns!
It’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. Thanks for joining me today. Our regular live stream is every Thursday at 9 pm Easter, so come and join me Thursday nights.
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How To Spray Clear Coat Like a PRO – With Metal Flake!
LearnAutoBodyAndPaint and Juicing – Tony Makes a Healthy Green Drink
How To Paint Cars – Q&A Part 3
LearnAutoBodyAndPaint – New DIY Auto Body Shop Garage
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