Hey, it’s Tony with another live show. Today’s topic is Live Auto Bodywork Straight Sanding And blocking.
We’re doing some straight sanding with my Hutchins Hustler and some block sanding today at the shop. I’m also going to be showing you what low spots look like and we’ll go ahead and do some body work.
I have an 80-grit on so let’s put our straight sander to work. Watch the video.
Now, this feels okay. There’s an area here that can be blocked out hand sanded out and you won’t even notice it. I would actually use a DA on an area here. I’m not going to worry about this area too much. Maybe I’ll put a skin on it as I cover in here.
If you see something like this, all you have to do is blow it really well and scuff the area a little bit. Then, you can lay another filler on top of that. We’ll be doing more fillers on the door as well.
Question: What do you think about the De Vilbiss Spray Guns? [13:54]
I’m not really a big fan of those spray guns. My cabinets are stocked with the Atom X Series Spray Guns. The Atom X21 Spray Gun can spray both waterborne and solvent, which is the top of the line model and it comes with the Pro Regulator.
On the other hand, the Atom Mini X16 also sprays both waterborne and solvent. Then, we also have the Atom X20 Spray Gun, which is the big daddy version. You can get these awesome Atom X Series Spray Guns on Zoolaa.
Let’s do some more demo. I’ll block out a small section here on the Daihatsu Mini Truck.
When finding dents, just use the light like then put marks on it. A guide coat is used to show the high and low spots on an area. I like to use flat black. Now, let’s go ahead and some more work.
Question: Are there any better body filler you can recommend at a good price? [20:00]
I use the Evercoat Z Grip which I got on sale for $20. The regular price of it is usually around $45 – $50.
We have a little high spot because we pulled it out too much as you can see in the video. Let’s tap it down lightly or use a pinstyle hammer. Then, we’ll give it a little coat. Continue watching the video as I do more demo.
If you’re filling very shallow dents, you don’t have to go all the way down to metal. You can just scuff up the paint with 80-grit and fill it.
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It’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. Thank you everyone for joining me today and I’m sorry for the technical issues in the show. Join me next time. The live shows are every Thursdays at 9pm ET. Please Like, Share and Subscribe to my videos!
Cheers! Talk soon!
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