It’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. We’re doing More Buffing at 2:30AM Haha – How To Buff Clearcoat.
I just need to test out this buffer on a panel. Watch the demo that I’m doing to my Mazda Miata. J Sorry as I’m always up working!
I’m not used to this new buffer at all. It feels weird because it’s not vibrating so you think you’re cutting correctly or not buffing at all. However, it is good and the results are pretty good.
We are currently doing a $30 off of all Atoms X Series Spray Guns. You can go to Zoola and use the Christmas code I sent through email. If you’re in my mailing list, you’ll get the Christmas code.
We have 2 versions of the Atom X21 and Atom X20 Spray Guns. We have it in LVLP and HVLP. It has different spray gun bodies, so you can’t convert them.
High volume low pressure is an awesome spray gun for overall car painting. On the other hand, a low volume is for smaller air tanks.
It is also a good gun. You can still use it with a big compressor. It can still come out great. Grab my FREE 85-Page Auto Body And Paint Manual to learn more about proper spray gun settings and air compressors.
If you want a more comprehensive, step-by-step process, check out the LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Course.
Question: Have you invested in Bitcoin? What do you think about Ripple? [25.45]
I have a couple of different coins. I think Ripple is a good long-term hold. However, I think it is going to come back down. I want to buy Ripple when it goes back down.
If you are interested, you should subscribe to Tony Richie. That’s my pen name and I’m uploading a video a day to that channel for everything that I am doing with Bitcoin.
I am also testing out Bitconnect. I already made $300 from Bitconnect in two days.
Question: What grit do you recommend for cutting? [28:03]
If you want to go aggressive, you can cut with 1200-grit, but you have to be careful. You need to have a lot of clear coat. A good cutting paper is 1500-grit. Then, go down to 2000-grit or 2500-grit.
1500-grit on a dry DA sander cuts really well and cuts quickly. It’s not too coarse. This is my preferred method. Then, go down to 2000-grit or 2500-grit. Finally, you go to finishing.
Thanks everyone for joining me today. I’m glad you guys are here. Please Like, Share and Subscribe to my videos.
Talk to you soon! Cheers!

Other Helpful Links:
Chemical Guys Torx Buffer and Compound Demo
What Is Best For Headlight Restoration – Buffing or Clearing?
Detailing HACKS and Buffing Old Paint To Match New Paint!
Live Demo: High Speed Buffers – Car Buffer – Car Polisher Buffer – Car Buffing!
How To Polish Car Paint on Sailboat – Buffing Car Paint Methods!