Hey it’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint with another live stream. Today’s topic is all about the NEW Forum! The Get in The Pub.LearnAutoBodyandPaint!
We’re just created a new forum! It’s the Pub.LearnAutoBodyandPaint and I’m inviting you guys to check it out and register. It is absolutely 100% FREE!
However, the deal with our server is we’re having an issue with Hotmail and AOL accounts. If you’re using one of these email accounts, you won’t be able to sign up. You’ll need to use Gmail or other email account except those I’ve mentioned.
I started out some categories and you’ll also be able to search topics, posts and users. We also put up a marketplace as requested, where you can post items for sale. Please note that the sale will be between the seller and buyer alone, and we won’t be held liable for any transactions or deals within the marketplace.
I really wanted to set up a community for everyone – both for VIPs and non-VIP members, so can meet and interact with each other, create a thriving community for all auto body enthusiasts.
Also, remember that we will be monitoring the forums, so please avoid setting up spam and crappy links. Be a responsible forum member and let’s build a great community here.
Thank you everyone for joining me today. For those who haven’t, don’t forget to download your FREE 85-Page Auto Body And Paint Manual.
If you really want to dig deep with your own custom projects, check out the LearnAutoBodyandPaint VIP Program and get access to a comprehensive course which will definitely take you to the next level of DIY auto body work and paint.
It’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. I am so excited to launch the Auto Body Pub! We’ll also be raffling off some free giveaways such as the X Finishes Pearls and Flakes from Zoolaa once we get a bunch of people registered.
It’s going to be really fun and exciting for everyone in the community. I can’t wait to connect with everyone in The Pub. Let’s build this one out. Share with your friends, family and other like-minded individuals. I’ll see you here soon!
Please don’t forget to Like, Share and Subscribe to my videos, guys! Talk soon! Cheers!

Other Helpful Links:
LearnAutoBodyAndPaint: It’s Tony’s last day in Hawaii
How To Paint Any Bike, Scooter or Moped Step-by-Step and Get PRO Results
Learn Auto Body and Paint Q&A – Auto Bodywork Tips and Answers