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Hey, it’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint with another Q&A video about Polyester Filler Primer Spraying DRY. Here’s another question from that was sent through email.
“Evening boss,
I posted this on the pub forum as well. I picked up a gallon kit of polyester fiberfill and a $55 lvlp gun for the application. I tried to use the psi recommendation by the manufacturer and from your DIY videos 38 psi but it just wouldn’t come out of the gun in fact It wouldn’t even go through the 190-micron funnels I got.
So I thinned it out as follows 4 part primer 1 part catalyst and 1 part thinner. It still didn’t want to come out for me. So I cranked up the psi to 44 psi and it finally started coming out but with every coat, I laid it seemed to get rougher and rougher.
Anyway, I completed the 3 coats and let it dry for 24 hrs hit a small portion of a quarter with 320 on my DA to see what it would do and I actually smoothed out pretty good.
My main concern is do I need to worry about adhesion? I did a full 320 sand, washed, wiped down before applying the primer. I did take your advice and purchased an Atom X27 that arrived today because I didn’t want to risk my paint with the cheap gun.”
By the way, for those of you who have questions about their own car projects, you may send them through email. I’ve been doing this for several years and painting cars are my passion.
This is my way of giving back and sharing my knowledge and what I have learned through my years of experience.
Fiber fillers are super thick and I don’t like them that much. I’ve used it several times and I don’t like using them. Some people do but I don’t. I’d rather use a 2K filler primer.
I wonder what tip size you were using. I think you’re using a 1.3 or 1.4 tip size, that’s way too small. I’d recommend using a 2.0 to 2.2 tip size with fluid nozzle 10, when doing a Polyester Filler Primer.
Blowing this stuff out of a 1.3 or a 1.4 tip size will never work. It comes out so dry because you’re trying to compress this thick material from a little hole. It will just come out dry and lay on like sandpaper.
The issue here is that you’re blowing it on too high of a pressure, which is ridiculous. You could not push it through a lower PSI because of the small tip size.
Make sure to take out the neck filter in your spray gun. Check out the video as I show you where it’s located.
It’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. I hope you enjoyed this short Q&A video on Polyester Filler Primer Spraying DRY!. Guys, if you have problems with your projects, just send an email with your detailed question and send in pictures of your project. That will definitely help me out assessing the situation that you have. SMASH that Like button guys, Share and Subscribe to my videos.
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