What is going on guys, It’s Tony from learnautobodyandpaint.com. It’s another Q and A session today and I hope you enjoyed the video as much as I enjoyed talking to our VIPs in different parts of the world! You guys rock! As we go along, I’ll tell you more about Prepping Before Car Paint- Sanding, Buffing, and Priming.
I encourage you to check out the LABAP VIP course that will help turn you into an auto body and paint pro, from home! There’s great deal of content that I’m sure you’ll love and crave.
Our most recent and the most awaited video featuring Honda CRV project is now done and dusted! Are you excited??? I’m sure you are therefore, join us and become one of our VIPs in LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Program
Let me tell you some good news!
First, I will continue to do video replies little by little to tons of auto body and paint questions that you sent me and those that are still in queue. So, it would be awesome if you send in your detailed auto body and paint questions with as many pictures as possible or a short video of your car project on [email protected]
Second, I will be broadcasting LIVE on FACEBOOK soon! Therefore, more like-minded VIPs can join and brainstorm with us at our next meeting. It’s gonna be more fun and electrifying.
In addition to that, a humongous Paradice Garage shop is coming soon in one of the best spots of Oahu, in the Pupukea area. Having said that, more custom paint job and custom color cars, more learning will be on our bucket list. Its going to be the coolest place and paint job soon!
On Car Paint:
“I’m prepping before my car paint. I was gonna sand it with 400 and start painting but closely examined my car and I see rusted pinholes I know what to do but needs confirmation. When do I shoot my epoxy primer?”
For bad surface rust like a cratered metal, you should make sure metal is sanded all the way down. You can mix 50/50 vinegar water, hit that area and let it dry and scuff it up again.
Then you could shoot epoxy primer and then 2k filler primer on top of it, block it flat and it should be ok. For instance, assuming if you do not have any body work like dents.
“the way these spray guns shoot primer is SPLENDID, these are also your PERFECT all in one paint gun”
“I use the 2.0 tip spraying with feather fill which is pretty thick, work great on an X20. I use X27 for base only so far. What size tip to spray glitter?“
The tip size to use for glitter depends on what flake size you are using. So, from 004 to 008, you can use a 1.4 tip, but for a bigger jumbo flake, a 1.8 to 2.0 tip size is highly recommended. I still need to test this out and I’m excited about the Paradice Garage shop as I’m gonna be trying and testing things out about custom stuff. I also wanna try mixing multiple candies on one paint job.

X Finishes Volcano Red Mini Flake 85g/3oz Pack. Give your paint job a custom look with X Finishes Premium Pearls and Flakes. Made with the best organic pigments for that ultra pearl effect. If you’re looking for a deep luster, look no further.

*Recommended use: This bag will be perfect for a complete custom car paint job if you’re looking for a mild to medium pearl effect. Your base coat color will also play a major factor on how pearls look and turn out over your paint job. For a more deeper and pearlescent effect and look, try two bags of X Finishes Premium Pearl in your paint job.
“I try to split up into sections over a few weekends. My project is a mid-80s K20 4×4. Frame-off complete color change, want to paint the cab fenders bed, then put it back into one onto the frame, can I shoot it again all together?”
If you’re gonna have everything in pieces and paint everything, you should just put it back together and color sand and buff it and you’re done.
If you’re gonna be doing any type of pearl, custom color prop paint job, candy paint job, flake paint job, the thing should be together.
This way you could make sure you’re getting a uniform look on all your panels while you’re painting. You’re not going to get a nice paint job if you do it in pieces, one panel might be darker than the other and it wouldn’t match.
With custom paint job and custom color cars, it should be assembled and prepping your car for painting is imperative. If it’s a pre-mixed solid color or solid metallic, you should not have any problems.
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Learn more about me: https://tonybrichie.com
Get a complete auto body and paint DOMINATION and training here: https://www.learnautobodyandpaint.com…
Learn how to paint a car as I walk you through a bird’s eye view of the complete car painting process: LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Program
Other Helpful Links:
Top 10 Auto Paint Repair Problems and Solutions
Why Do I Get A Textured-Look In My Clear Coat: Auto Body Q&A
Sanding Multiple Colors of Paint Layers How To Avoid Chemical Reaction!
Correct Sandpaper Grit You Should Sand Your Car With – Before Paint!
Explaining The Use Of Mid Coat When Painting With Pearls And Flakes: Auto Body Q&A