Get the most comprehensive step-by-step auto body and paint manual for FREE.
Over 80 solid pages of full content written from an industry expert. Learn auto body techniques and strategies to be able to paint any of your special projects with professional automotive paint finishes.
And if written text isn’t enough for you be sure to check out our full video VIP training series!
What are you waiting for? Grab your copy Now!
Just enter your name and email in the box on the right and get your FREE 85 page digital book and you’ll also be subscribed to our weekly trainings. Hurry, so we can rush you a copy to your inbox right now!
To your painting success!
The LABAP Team.
Check out the LABAP VIP Course that will help turn you into an auto body and paint pro, from home!
i’d really really like to have a copy
Did you fill the form to get it? You need to fill out the info on the right of the site so we can send it to you.
copy would be great
You can get a copy! You need to fill the form to the right to get your download link. Follow the instructions in the email we send to you
Tony, really appreciate your work and love reading through as i am of one who’s taking this course.
I would love to learn and download more auto body collision repair manuals.
Please can you assist…………..thanks
Hey Aminio, Thanks for the awesome feedback, glad you like it! Have you secured your VIP slot? The course is a comprehensive guide to auto body work and paint: Check it out here:
thank you for the tips
leant a lot from you already cheers son
Whats the difference between regular member & premium member? & the cost difference?
hey JD, as a regular member which you are now you get the free newsletter and 85 Auto Body A-Z e-read, promo emails etc. As a paid VIP member you get access to 70 Plus hours of step-by-step automotive body repair training, VIP members forum, options to join our live monthly Q&A conference calls plus more perks! You can learn more about the VIP Club Here… BE cool!
Your video on youtube is a good teaser. I hope we can learn more. Thanks in advance.
love this!!!!
hello tony, i love body repair body paint so that i am very interested to learn more about about this…but my problem is I, have no enough money enroll…That’s why from time to time i always open my yahoo mail hoping that you sent free tutor about this skills…I am Alvin from the poor province
of the Philippines ARMM….
Thats Awesome Alvin, I will be sending a LOT more free videos and blog posts so keep your eyes open! We also do have a few VIP members from the Philippines too!
good intro, could talk of safety, glasses, hearing protection, and the like.
i love this
getting back into body work
Enjoying modifying cars.
love to watch your videos and read all your tips.
I love your stuff that you put up and i dop learn a lott of insightful stuff..
Thanks, glad you enjoy them Rico!! Check out what we have to offer in the VIP club when you have time. a LOT of ppl love it.
i would like the 85 page manual
Malick, you need to fill out the form on the right sidebar under the book picture to get it!
new hobbie =)
Tony Thanks so much I wish I could get you to come and help me with my 72 Plymouth Duster restore project.LOL
Wish I could too! Why don’t you become VIP and be apart of the community?
Hi Tony. Bolt-on lambo door kits Vs. Weld-on kit. Which one is better? thank you bro
They are booth good. I would also put some tack welds on a bold on kit for more security. Good luck!
Hey Mr.Tony..just finished one of your videos on single stage paint…VERY,VERY professional and accurate..COMMEDATIONS TO YOU. Keep up good presentations….Nate.
Thank you Nate!! Stay cool buddy
I use your tips and lessons to restore old toys.
Awesome! Glad you like them
i m ready to learn
We are ready to teach you Luis. Did you see what we have to offer in VIP?
Best money ever spent
Get more than u pay for
Thanks tony
Thanks for the Props. We can’t do it with out all of you VIP members though
Thank you!
would love to get some lessons and tutorials to help me with my projects, also would love to get the free 85 page workbook, please help. John
hey John, we were doing some site updates when you left this note. On the sidebar of this site there will be a place for you to download the 85 page auto body book!
Cant wait to see whats in store for me thanks dude
hey Clint, we were doing some site updates when you left this note. On the sidebar of this site there will be a place for you to download the 85 page auto body book!
Thanks a lot for the manual.
Thank You Very Much Tony! I Plan On Joining Your VIP Club As Soon As My SSI Check Arrives In March!
Hey Lloyd! I hope to see you in VIP soon!
I want a copy of the 85 page download
Go here to get it:
May I have a copy
Hey Zonian, you can grab yours here: Best of luck with your own custom projects!