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Good morning everyone! Tony B. Richie is back with another auto body session. Today’s highlight question is Two Types of Blending Paint On A Car.
I am still looking for a property here in Japan where I can do my car stuff. I need to find a home/shop set up so I don’t need to drive somewhere just to get to work on my projects.
For those who haven’t seen my family vlog, check out the blog here: More of Japan… Grape and Strawberry farms, Rabbits, Goats and more Japanese food! 🍓

Let’s start with the Q&A! 🤩
Question: What happens if I add reducer to my mixture clearcoat and hardener? The instructions say use clearcoat and hardener 1:1.
I wouldn’t add a reducer unless you absolutely need to. It will not hurt your paint job but I don’t recommend adding more than 10% reducer.
Reducers just thin out paint and loosen it up. When paints are too thick, it’s not going to atomize correctly and you won’t get a glossy flat finish and more of an orange peel finish.
Question: Can you go over the process of blending clear? Did you say to use 10% of clear and 90% reducer?
I don’t think I said that. However, you can use a blender that will tell you how much you need to put into your clear coat.
Alternatively, you can use a 25%-25% reducer. You may do 50% but it will depend on your clear coat. It will be thin so you need to spray at a higher pressure and back off a little bit to blend it in as the atomization will be very fine. This is something you would do for a specific section and not the entire panel.
Once, I get set up and find a shop here in Japan, I will make a lot of blending videos and release the best content for all of you.
Question: I am working on a few parts of my Harley that are fibreglass. Any difference in paint or prep for adhesion?
It’s the same exact process when doing body kits. If you are a VIP, check out the body kit series on the Miata as well as the BMW M5 Series. The LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Program is a comprehensive auto bodywork and paint that is very helpful for all of those who are doing their own custom paint jobs. Secure your slot now if you are not yet part of the #BossPainter community.
Also, we have free resources on the website about body kits. Check out those links below.
Question: I’m working on a freshly painted car and I’m using a foam pad, but I was told to wait about two months to wait for the paint to cure before adding any wax on my car. Is that so?
Two months is a little too extreme. I would say anywhere between two to six weeks. It is true that you should not wax fresh paint as it stops it from breathing and may end up with chemical pop.
Good news for everyone! We are now doing a pre-order sale for the Atom X88 Infinity Spray Gun. It is an HTE design and it comes with two tip kits and the GunBudd Ultra Lighting System. Visit Zoolaa now to learn more about this new Atom Spray Gun.
Also, the selfie campaign is still ongoing until the end of May. Head on over to this link to learn more: https://www.learnautobodyandpaint.com/giveaway-alert-the-atom-and-gunbudd-selfie-campaign/
Finally, I have a lot of people asking about my digital lifestyle. I will be conducting the E-Com Domination Training in May and will be sharing my trade secrets in this training. If you want to get ahead and start your own online business empire, we are still accepting registrations so secure your slot now! 👌👌👌

Thanks everyone for joining me today and I truly appreciate those who are consistently present in my live sessions! Please don’t forget to SMASH that Like Button, Share and Subscribe to my channel!
Keep safe! Talk soon! Cheers!
Other Helpful Links:
LearnAutoBodyAndPaint: How To Custom Paint & Modify Your Body Kits
Body Kit Installation Steps – How To Install Body Kits From Home!
Prepping ECOAT Body Parts, Urethane, and Fiberglass for Paint! 😉
Automotive Spray Gun Selection Tips For DIY And Professionals – HVLP or LVLP Spray Guns?