Hey, what’s going on, Tony here from Paradice Garag e! Here’s some quick tips on painting over raw plastic and how to prep it properly. We have more videos on this topic over at LearnAutobodyAndPaint where you can get more FREE Auto Body Training Guides, PDFs, and Videos. Don’t forget to hit LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel for more Paradice Garage Updates
So I have always gotten this question so many times over the past few years, and it’s just crazy. People always ask me if I paint over plastic, will it chip? And the answer overall is “YES”, it could chip, but it takes a lot for it to chip.
This is very flexible plastic, we did adhesion promoter on it. We put primer, flattened it out, and painted it.
It’s a few years old that got scuffed up but take a look at how flimsy this is.

However, when you really bend something that much then yeah, it’s gonna chip like that no matter what.
Even if you put flex agent, that would have chipped and this is what happens when it chips. You can see I got my primer right under it, kind of stuck there.
So under normal circumstances, you don’t have to worry about it. But if you really bend it, it’s gonna chip so that’s my answer for you guys. Hopefully, that cleared some things up for you.
🟢Scuffed it with about 120 grit
🟡Primed it with 2k filler primer,
🟠Sanded it with 400 grit and flattened it out
🔴then we did our base coat – clear coat
And which came out like this. ➡️

So it is important to scuff your plastic. You’re not just going to paint over raw plastic, right? You could use it adhesion promoter, and we get into depth on all of this stuff at learnautobodyandpaint.com.
If you want to learn more about this, we got training videos on everything, every step of the process.
And I just wanted to add that one tidbit of information that you do have to prep it properly as well. So hopefully you enjoyed the video. Let me know your comments down below.
Mahalo! – Tony
For more helpful links:
DO THIS! Spraying CAKED UP 2K Primer on RAW Plastic and Epoxy Primer
How To Sand Out Cracks and Respray Plastic Bumper Cover
How To Prep a BUMPER for Painting? – Autobody Q&A LIVE from Paradice Garage
When to use 2k Primer and Epoxy Primer: Autobody Q&A
What Causes Paint Blistering And How to Fix It? – AutoBody Q&A
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